
Favorites9 Products

These are some of our favorite and/or most popular instruments.
  • Woodwinds
  • pearwood
  • maple
  • boxwood
  • plumwood
  • rosewood
  • olive
  • grenadilla
  • tulipwood
  • cherry
  • plastic
  • sopranino
  • soprano
  • alto
  • tenor
  • bass
  • contrabass
  • kung
  • kunath
  • moeck
  • yamaha
  • martin wenner
  • mollenhauer
  • pavel cip
  • lu-mi
  • berney lehmann
  • chris english
  • charlie ogle
  • pirastro
  • gamut
$11 to $250
This listing is for individual joints only. If you'd like to purchase the whole instrument Click here. About These Products Here you can purchase individual joints for the popular YRT-304BII Yamaha tenor. If you already own a YRT-304BII and need one or more modifications to play comfortably, you don't need to replace...
$80 to $405
Yamaha's 300 series features a complete range of top quality recorders, from bass to sopranino. All these instruments deliver a rich body of sound, while providing the convenience of a durable, low-maintenance ABS resin construction. With their broad range of tonal expression and their superb playability, these recorders are fully competitive...
$235 to $525
Mollenhauer's DENNER collection is modeled after the work of German luthier Jacob Denner (1681-1735). The original instruments are located in Nuremberg and Copenhagen.  The DENNER recorders are some of the finest instruments Mollenhauers has to offer. They are reliable and accurate, even in the highest register, and produce a versatile, clear and...
$385 to $980
Mollenhauer's DENNER collection is modeled after the work of German luthier Jacob Denner (1681-1735). The original instruments are located in Nuremberg and Copenhagen.  The DENNER recorders are some of the finest instruments Mollenhauers has to offer. They are reliable and accurate, even in the highest register, and produce a versatile, clear and...
$2,402 to $2,504
Carlo Palanca was an active bassoon player and instrument maker in Turin in the 1700s. Martin Wenner's Palanca flute is based on an original from a private collection in Frankfurt. In contrast to many other Baroque flutes, his instrument has an oval embouchure, giving it a more powerful sound. The original...
$550 to $1,500
Mollenhauer's DENNER collection is modeled after the work of German luthier Jacob Denner (1681-1735). The original instruments are located in Nuremberg and Copenhagen.  The DENNER recorders are some of the finest instruments Mollenhauers has to offer. They are reliable and accurate, even in the highest register, and produce a versatile, clear and...
$1,465 to $1,700
Highest soloistic demands Mollenhauer's DENNER-Line recorders are the finest quality instruments they offer. Their team dedicates an extensive amount of time into crafting these exclusive instruments. Every recorder is voiced over a long period of time, alternating periods of intense playing with phases of fine-tuning so the craftsman can closely monitor and adjust...
$650 to $1,075
Moeck's Steenbergen model is based on an original instrument from the legendary recorder Collection of Frans Brüggen. Their warm, glowing and "typically baroque"  sound makes these instruments very expressive, perfect for soloists. This instrument is sold with a leather soft case, containing a cleaning rod and cloth, cork grease, a certificate...
$998 to $1,100
Highest soloistic demands Mollenhauer's DENNER-Line recorders are the finest quality instruments they offer. Their team dedicates an extensive amount of time into crafting these exclusive instruments. Every recorder is voiced over a long period of time, alternating periods of intense playing with phases of fine-tuning so the craftsman can closely monitor and adjust...


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